AB 218 will impact statute of limitations for child victims
AB 218 will impact statute of limitations for child victims
January 27, 2020
AB 218 (Gonzalez) was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom and became law on Jan. 1, 2020. The bill extends the statute of limitations to bring a civil action against an employer, including school districts, where there has been a claim against an employee of that district for alleged child sexual abuse. ACSA has compiled some helpful tips on best practices and resources to help prepare districts for the expected increase in sexual assault claims.
Things to know about AB 218
The statute of limitations for childhood sexual assault and molestation is extended by 22 years from the date an individual attains the age of majority (40 years old) or within five years an individual discovers that their current psychological injury or illness was caused by a sexual assault occurring before the age of majority.
Claims, including retroactive claims, can be filed starting Jan. 1, 2020. There is a three-year retroactive window opened that permits old claims to be revived including claims that would otherwise be barred because of applicable statute of limitations for which no monetary damages were collected. AB 218 claims targets will be public entities, including Local Educational Agencies.
Older claims will likely be more difficult and expensive to defend since records or witnesses may not be found.
Because there may be a lack of documentation from many years prior, the process could be exploited and fraudulent claims be filed. The public may opine that your district has harbored sexual predators when in fact you are forced to settle a claim without evidence available to disprove it.
LEAs need to be aware and prepared for claims that pre-date the existence of your risk pool. Treble damages can be imposed if any effort to conceal can be proven. These damages may not be covered by a pool, excess pool or reinsurance and are ultimately the responsibility of the public entity to pay.
AB 218 sets a lower standard to establish employer liability. Prior to AB 218, a victim could bring a civil suit against a person or entity after the plaintiff attains the age of majority if they allege that the employer had some reason to know of “unlawful sexual conduct” by their employee, volunteer, representative or agent and the employer failed to take action to prevent the abuse. AB 218 changed the “and” to an “or,” which eliminates the requirement that the employer have knowledge thereby creating a standard similar to strict liability, regardless of knowledge of or reasonable steps taken to safeguard students.
Consider the following
- Review your policies, procedures, practices and training materials relating to hiring and student/child supervision.
- Update training on early identification or possible grooming activities and physical boundary violations in order to prevent abuse. Training should also include response procedures and mandated reporting requirements.
- Develop a communication plan with students and families, including who is responsible and content of the communication.
- Adopt and enforce a zero tolerance policy for student sexual harassment/assault/abuse.
- Tighten site access (i.e., control of all visitors, tradespersons, vendors, volunteers, walk-on coaches, etc.).
- Elevating the Profession Through Educator Ethics is a micro-credential based on the Model Code of Ethics for Educators, MCEE. Developed by the National Education Association in partnership with Digital Promise and created by educators for educators, the program is free and is another opportunity to show your district is doing everything possible to prevent student assault.
- Identify potential victims from old cases such as those that were rejected due to being time-barred.
- Identify if your previous insurance companies are still in business. If so, be aware that the “year of claim” may not have coverage to current levels.
- Inform ACSA of the impact of AB 218 on your LEA (loss of insurance coverage, insurance cost increases, number of claims and outcomes, etc.).
Please note, this is not an exhaustive list nor is it to be construed as legal advice. Please contact your legal counsel should you have questions.