ACSA is committed to action this school year
From the ACSA President, Erin Simon
September 5, 2022

Welcome back!
The start of any school year brings the duality of excitement and anxiety for educational leaders. As educational leaders, we know too well the energy needed to welcome students and families from day one, and the mental and physical fortitude that will be required to keep that same energy and engage all students — specifically those in need of the most assistance — throughout the academic year.
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the challenging couple of years that educational leaders have faced, which has been distracting us from our number one goal: serving students well.
Even though the pandemic continues to be a part of our lives, we will not let this put a damper on our spirits or change our focus. We are determined and inspired educational leaders that will continue to meet students’ academic and social and emotional needs.
Instead of dwelling on the past challenges, let’s celebrate the start of a new school year — a year that we anticipate will be full of exciting new opportunities, choices and life-changing experiences for our students. We have 6 million plus students, grades pre-kindergarten through 12th, waiting for us to provide safe, inclusive schools that allow them to feel heard, seen and valued, and to cultivate conditions for them to thrive and prepare them for success in college, career and life. Students are counting on our support, equity-focused lens, optimism and staunch advocacy to get them through another school year.
This is why ACSA is committed to confronting the tough issues (i.e., oppression, implicit biases, mental health, school safety) that hinder the academic and social emotional growth of students. Issues that will require actionable equity-centered strategies in order to make change.
While there are many barriers to such issues, our new executive director, Dr. Edgar Zazueta, is laying the foundation that will challenge our organization to act quickly to move equity from rhetoric to action, while identifying biases and interrogating policy and practices to address their impact on students. Under his leadership alongside the Board of Directors, ACSA will be more forward facing, more strategic and more intentional about eliminating inequities in our school systems.
The fight for our students continues. In the fight lies hope! Let’s start the 2022-23 academic year stronger than ever on behalf of the students we serve.
Let’s elevate!
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