ACSA looking for its next top leader
Nominations for ACSA Vice President are due Sept. 8
July 24, 2023
The nomination window for vice president of ACSA for 2024-25 is now open, with a deadline of Sept. 8, 2023.
The office of vice president is seen as key in helping set the direction of the association, as it is the direct route to the presidency.
“The position of vice president is a critical step on the pathway to leading our organization. It is an opportunity for a dedicated ACSA member to model the mission and vision of ACSA and to participate in the leadership of ACSA as a member of the Executive Committee,” said ACSA Past-president Erin Simon. “I encourage all eligible ACSA members to embrace this opportunity to ensure that ACSA continues to be at the forefront of leadership for excellence and equity for California students.”
Duties and responsibilities of the vice president include:
  • Attend all board meetings.
  • Know the association and the board president’s duties.
  • Be prepared to perform the board president’s duties when called upon.
  • Serve on the Executive Committee.
  • Chair the association’s Finance Committee.
  • Work closely as a consultant and advisor to the board president.
  • Develop rapport and a close working relationship with the executive director and board president.
  • Carry out special assignments from the board president.
A major responsibility of the vice president is to serve in the place of the president-elect or president during their absence, or to assume the office of president-elect should it become vacant.
To prepare for this role, service on the Board of Directors, Leadership Assembly or as region president or state chairperson is preferable. Candidates representing all regions are encouraged to apply.
The nomination form is at For more information, contact Lori Allred, 916-329-3820.
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