ACSA turns 50
Members can help celebrate five decades of educational leadership
July 12, 2021
Administrators in California had long talked of forming an umbrella organization that encompassed their varied professional functions. Then, on July 1, 1971, ACSA became the first united school administrator organization in the nation.
As ACSA celebrates the big 5-0 this school year, members are invited to share their birthday wishes and memories from the last five decades of educational leadership.
ACSA will also mark the occasion during the 2021 Leadership Summit, which will be Nov. 4-6 in San Francisco. Join us for a special anniversary reception (birthday cake, anyone?) and other fun surprises.
Here are a few ways ACSA members can help with the celebration:
- E-mail us about the impact ACSA has had on your career, the profession and on California’s students. Send your thoughts to content@acsa.org.
- We want to see your throwback ACSA photos from the ’70s, ’80s or ’90s. Send them to content@acsa.org or share them via social with the hashtag #ACSAat50. Show us how ACSA (and clothing trends) have adapted to the changing times.
- Show us your vintage ACSA gear! Are you still using an ACSA mug from circa 1985? Do you still have a T-shirt from your first Leadership Summit? Show us on social with the hashtag #ACSAat50 and tag ACSA.
- Upload a short “happy birthday” video message from you, your region or charter, or your team. Creativity is encouraged! Upload your message by Oct. 15 via the Memento platform at app.memento.com/acsas-50th-anniversary/ryDVvyw5_/record. You can also share videos on Instagram and Twitter (make sure to tag us @acsa_info and #ACSAat50).
Your photos, videos and memories may be shared during our year-long celebration of ACSA’s anniversary. Watch EdCal each week for features commemorating ACSA at 50. Visit acsa.org/acsa50 for more information.
ACSA at 50
Keep watching for ACSA at 50 features in EdCal each week and find out how you can help celebrate at acsa.org/acsa50.
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