ACSA VPLAs prepare for Legislative Action Days
April 8, 2024
ACSA’s annual Legislative Action Days returns this year, during which hundreds of ACSA members will advocate for funding and policies to support students.
Legislative Action Days will be held April 28-29 in Sacramento, and in some cases virtual meetings with legislators will continue throughout the week.
More than 220 education leaders from throughout the state are currently registered and will advocate for student-centered initiatives. This includes robust funding for public education, a statewide school facilities bond, the consolidation of state-required reports and policies that will increase the educator pipeline.
“ACSA’s Vice Presidents for Legislative Action have been hard at work to make this a successful and impactful event,” said ACSA State Vice President for Legislative Action Gina Potter. “While having legislators hear from their local school leaders on what is needed to support students is always important, this year is critical given the state’s budget shortfall.”
“While having legislators hear from their local school leaders on what is needed to support students is always important, this year is critical given the state’s budget shortfall.”
Gina Potter, ACSA State Vice President for Legislative Action
In addition to meeting with their legislative representatives, participants will engage directly with prominent elected officials, including Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas and Chair of the Education Committee Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi.
Potter, along with ACSA Executive Director Edgar Zazueta and ACSA Senior Director of Policy and Governmental Relations Iván Carrillo, will welcome participants on Sunday followed by programming that will help educational leaders to effectively advocate at the Capitol.
“I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this collective effort. History shows us that ACSA members’ unified advocacy influences eventual state budget and policy outcomes,” Carrillo said.
For more information, contact Suzanne Caffrey at scaffrey@acsa.org.