Additional support offered to retirees affected by CalSTRS data incident
October 2, 2023
CalSTRS announced that it will provide additional monitoring services to retired members who were identified as impacted by the PBI data security incident earlier this year.
Previously CalSTRS stated it would offer one year of monitoring, but now that will be extended by an additional 12 months after hearing feedback from concerned CalSTRS members and interest-holder groups, including the ACSA Retirement Committee.
The deadline for impacted members to sign up for monitoring has also been extended. Letters were being mailed to retirees and beneficiaries in the second half of September with all of the details. CalSTRS notes members who have already signed up for credit monitoring do not need to call CalSTRS or Experian to receive the extended monitoring services.
CalSTRS has updated the FAQs about the incident and information about the extensions is included.
In addition, CalSTRS can help members who do not have their unique activation code or contact information for Experian. Members should call CalSTRS at 800-228-5453. Enrollment in the credit monitoring service can be done online or over the phone. Experian representatives are available seven days a week.
The data incident event did not involve unauthorized access to the CalSTRS secure network. There will be no impact to pension payments. Additionally, no member or beneficiary myCalSTRS accounts, or other financial information, was involved in this event.