Collegewood Elementary second grade teacher Diane Zell delivers her first virtual lesson of the school year Aug. 10 while standing at her laptop perched on a student chair.
Bright start to the new year at Collegewood Elementary
September 7, 2020
For schools in the Walnut Valley Unified School District, classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds remain silent with nearly 13,500 students learning from home with the support of families due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Educators are finding creative ways to engage students during distance learning, despite the occasional computer glitch.

“Every morning at 7:57 a.m. before we close our classroom doors to admit our students onto Zoom, we all shout to each other (from at least six-feet apart) to have a great day and pray all the technology stuff will work,” shared kindergarten teacher Dani Hawkesworth at Westhoff Elementary.
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