Candidate statements for ACSA Office
February 3, 2025
ACSA leaders will be voting for two officers at the May Leadership Assembly: ACSA Vice President and ACSA Vice President for Legislative Action. The office of vice president puts the holder in the line of succession to ultimately become the ACSA President, as the following year they will become the president-elect, and subsequently president in 2027-28.
The office of Vice President for Legislative Action is a two-year term and helps shape the legislative agenda for ACSA.
The following are statements from the two candidates for ACSA Vice President and one candidate for ACSA Vice President for Legislative Action.
Two candidates that had previously declared their candidacies have withdrawn their names from the election: Shawn Tennenbaum, superintendent, San Benito High School District (Region 10) for the office of Vice President; and Ben Churchill, superintendent, Carlsbad USD (Region 18) for the office of Vice President for Legislative Action.
Vice President

Terrence Davis
Superintendent, Banning USD
Region 19
I am grateful for the opportunity to run as a candidate for Vice President, State ACSA. ACSA has been instrumental in shaping my journey as a leader. I am driven by a profound sense of gratitude and love for ACSA and its mission to serve students and school administrators.
In my 27 years as an educator, I have seen firsthand the power of connectedness — how our collective efforts amplify our impact and create transformative opportunities for our students, staff, and communities. As your representative, I will work tirelessly to strengthen the bonds that unite us, fostering collaboration and shared learning across all regions in our great state.
I believe in the importance of courageous leadership, especially in challenging times. Leadership requires not only vision and strategy but also the boldness to address inequities, embrace innovation, and exhibit conviction in our commitment to excellence for all students.
Together, we will continue to build on ACSA’s incredible legacy of empowering leaders, championing education, and service with conviction. I am excited about the opportunity to represent you and serve with passion, and I humbly ask for your support and your vote. Let’s lead with love, stay connected, and inspire courage.

Roxane Fuentes
Superintendent, Berryessa Union SD
Region 8
As a longtime ACSA member, I am committed to advancing our collective mission of advocating for high-quality education and supporting the professionals who make it happen.
With over 28 years of experience in both Northern and Southern California, I have witnessed the challenges administrators face, from navigating policy changes to managing resources in increasingly complex environments. I have also observed the courageous leadership displayed by our dedicated administrators across the state. Your commitment to providing the best educational opportunities for ALL students is truly commendable.
If elected as ACSA’s Vice President, my focus will be on three key priorities:
- Listening to and amplifying your voice
- Enhancing advocacy efforts
- Supporting inclusivity and building community
I humbly ask for your support in leading this critical work forward. Together, we lead. Together, we succeed!
Vice President for Legislative Action
Jared Hungerford
Associate Superintendent, Calaveras County Office of Ed.
Region 7
As an advocate for students and public education, I was honored to be nominated for the position of State Vice President for Legislative Action. My four years as Region 7 VPLA included effective advocacy in collaboration with educators, including online and in-person advocacy meetings, school-site legislator visits and candidate endorsement interviews.
As State VPLA, I will prioritize greater communication and collaboration with my fellow VPLAs and legislative policy representatives to direct our collective advocacy to meet the needs of all regions. Our current OneVoice platform provides a solid foundation for our advocacy efforts. However, we must remain vigilant and adapt to the evolving needs of our students. I will advocate for increased funding, reduced bureaucracy, and greater flexibility for schools to respond to the unique needs of their communities and to meet the needs of every student — not just some.
I am dedicated to representing all California administrators and their students. My experiences living and working in urban, suburban and rural settings, both here and in Peru, have given me insight into the challenges and opportunities facing our schools. I will work tirelessly to ensure our voices, and those of our students and their families, are heard in Sacramento and Washington.