Candidate statements for ACSA Vice President
February 8, 2021
ACSA leaders will be voting for the office of ACSA vice president at the May Leadership Assembly, which will be held virtually this year. The office of vice president puts the holder in the line of succession to ultimately become the ACSA president, as the following year they will become the president-elect, and subsequently president in 2023-24. The following are statements from the three candidates for ACSA vice president.
Parvin Ahmadi, Superintendent, Castro Valley USD, Region 6
My name is Parvin Ahmadi, and I am the Superintendent of the Castro Valley Unified School District. For the past 32 years I have worked side by side with outstanding colleagues in medium and large districts to serve the students and families of our communities.
My top priority is to serve each and every student’s best interests. In order to ensure all students are provided the best learning opportunities regardless of their individual strengths, abilities, and unique circumstances, we must form alliances in our communities and ensure that all students, especially those historically and systemically marginalized, are provided a genuine quality education, and that their families are truly a part of the decision-making process of their learning journey.
It has been my privilege to support our educational leadership community as an instructor for ACSA’s Superintendent Academy for several years, on the State of California’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Childhood Education, and on ACSA’s Board of Directors representing Region 6 for the last three years advocating for public education statewide.
It would be my great honor to serve you as ACSA’s Vice President to advocate for our students throughout the state and amplify our collective voice.
Grant Bennett, Superintendent, Perris UHSD, Region 19
ACSA is a “driving force for an equitable, world-class education system.” Equity is a huge, multi-faceted undertaking and we must do what is right for students, staff and community. ACSA has taken the monumental step to create a new position focusing on equity, and I will work with you to be a part of this ongoing commitment.
ACSA’s Policy and Governmental Relations team puts us in the room where it happens and ensures our voice, experience, and expertise are part of these decisions. We draw on the field’s expertise and continue to make this a high priority moving forward.
ACSA offers meaningful professional learning. I personally attended six ACSA Academies and I am where I am today because of these experiences. We will continue offering high caliber professional learning and together we can reevaluate, adjust or create new programs to meet all challenges.
Throughout my 30-year career in education, I have always worked to be a servant leader. I have been an ACSA member for 21 years and have been heavily involved in my local Charter and Region 19. I currently serve on the ACSA Board representing my region. Please support Grant Bennett to serve as ACSA Vice President.
ACSA’s Policy and Governmental Relations team puts us in the room where it happens and ensures our voice, experience, and expertise are part of these decisions. We draw on the field’s expertise and continue to make this a high priority moving forward.
ACSA offers meaningful professional learning. I personally attended six ACSA Academies and I am where I am today because of these experiences. We will continue offering high caliber professional learning and together we can reevaluate, adjust or create new programs to meet all challenges.
Throughout my 30-year career in education, I have always worked to be a servant leader. I have been an ACSA member for 21 years and have been heavily involved in my local Charter and Region 19. I currently serve on the ACSA Board representing my region. Please support Grant Bennett to serve as ACSA Vice President.
Mary McNeil, Superintendent, Needles USD, Region 12
Leadership Matters and support for leaders matters most! My “Why ACSA?” is my passion and commitment to serve California’s diverse students and their leaders. I joined ACSA, as a student, 28 years ago in LAUSD and my continued ACSA efforts have prepared me for this leadership role. I’m humbled that ACSA has honored me twice as AOY, as Superintendent and as Central Office Administrator. It is my honor to serve ACSA and make my leadership matter for each and every one of YOU!
My leadership experiences have made a difference.
Co-Director ACSA Equity Administrators Academy: Created and implemented first ACSA equity administrator’s academy as an Equity Warrior.
Committee Chair Small School Districts: Collaborated to voice concerns of California’s 650+ small districts.
Taskforce Member: Assessments, WLN, ACSA Strategic Plans, and CTC Liaison (changed administrative credential programs).
Advocate: Legislative Policy Committee, LAD, Legislative hearings (changed out-of-state credential process).
Region 12 & 15 Women’s Leadership Network Chair: Developed support for female leaders.
Region 15 President/Vice President/Committee Chairs/Board Member at Large: Led the financial study of region boundaries with ACSA’s CFO and Region 11 leadership.
I have passion, commitment and energy to serve our diverse California kids!
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