Can’t get away? Try the virtual simulcast
Personnel Institute will have opportunities for online and in-person attendees
September 20, 2021
It’s a common conundrum for professional development conference attendees: There’s an amazing session happening in Room A, but at the same time, there’s an awesome presentation on a topic you really want to know more about in Room B.
Well, ACSA has solved the problem of not being able to be in two places at one time.
With the newly announced virtual simulcast being offered at Personnel Institute, Sept. 29-Oct. 1 in Long Beach, in-person attendees will be able to view select content from simultaneous sessions following the conference.
The virtual simulcast will also give HR/personnel leaders who are unable to leave their sites access to crucial PD topics they can watch from their home or office. Registrants for the virtual simulcast will get more than 16 hours of live streaming content over three days and exclusive simulcast sessions with Q&A for online participants.
ACSA Events and Operations Director Danelle Buckley said in-person registrations for this year’s Personnel Institute are outpacing those for the 2019 event, the last time it was held in person.
“The bottom line is people want to meet in person. The majority of what drives conference attendance is the in-person meeting and networking — that’s number one,” Buckley said. “Number two is the content. So here is a way to supply content to audiences virtually.”
While only a portion of sessions will be online, virtual attendees will still be getting great content, said Melanie Jones, Executive Director, Human Resources at San Ramon Valley USD and member of the planning committee for this event.
“The Human Resources Council recognizes that due to the demands of this global pandemic, it has become increasingly difficult to be away from the office,” she said. “We are pleased to be able to provide this virtual option so that more administrators can take advantage of the opportunity.”
Building on the successful experience of offering all ACSA conferences virtually in the 2020-21 school year, Buckley said the team learned that engagement between the people on screen and those at home is important. The virtual simulcast of Personnel Institute will allow online attendees the ability to chat amongst themselves and ask questions of presenters via online hosts in their Zoom session. Virtual attendees will access live and recorded content, including all presentation materials, through ACSA’s Online Learning Center.
In-person attendees can benefit from the virtual simulcast, too — they can plan to attend sessions that will only be available in person and then view other sessions as recordings. They could also watch online sessions if they get called back to their district early, or even from their room at the Long Beach Hilton. Recorded sessions will be available to both in-person and virtual attendees through Oct. 31.
The comfort and safety of all those who attend the in-person Personnel Institute is of the utmost importance to ACSA and Long Beach Hilton. Attendees will be required to do daily health screenings and wear masks when not actively eating, drinking or presenting. Socially distanced seating will be available and hotel staff will be following safe food serving procedures.
“The Personnel Institute is an excellent professional development opportunity for both new and veteran human resources administrators. Sessions are presented by labor law attorneys that provide a legal perspective and by current practitioners that provide insight, perspective and experience on the practical application of current issues and legal requirements affecting school districts,” Jones said. “We hope that you will be able to join us for either all or part of the conference and assure you that it will be worthwhile!”
Personnel Institute
What: Three-day PD event for new and veteran HR administrators on the latest issues
pertaining to school personnel.
When: Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2021
Where: Hilton Long Beach
Cost: In-person $549 (ACSA member); Virtual $399 (ACSA member)
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