The Progress Pride Flag was raised June 1.
CDE raises Pride flag
June 12, 2023
For the first time ever, the California Department of Education has raised the Progress Pride Flag in honor of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond hosted a flag-raising ceremony at the CDE headquarters in Sacramento on June 1 to mark the first day of LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
“This flag is a representation and celebration of our diverse community and student body in the state of California,” said Thurmond. “At a time when there are leaders — nationally and right here in California — set on rolling back personal rights and banning texts that address issues of racism or sexual identity, the California Department of Education and I want to make it clear that we stand with our LGBTQ+ students and educators, and we applaud the many board members who have continued to uphold inclusivity.”
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