CDE releases Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan template
August 10, 2020
The California Department of Education has released the final template for Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans, which must be adopted by school governing boards by Sept. 30.  Local Educational Agencies are required to submit the plan in lieu of the 2020-21 Local Control Accountability Plan, as stipulated by Senate Bill 98. The template is available online at
. The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is to include specified information about the instruction and support the LEA will provide to pupils in the 2020–21 school year as a result of the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 and potential school closures.  The six-page template asks LEAs to provide descriptions of efforts being made in stakeholder engagement, continuity of learning (in both in-person and distance learning instruction), mental health and social and emotional well-being, pupil and family engagement and outreach, school nutrition, increased or improved services for foster youth, ELL and low-income students.
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan deadlines
By Sept. 30: Deadline for LEA governing boards to adopt plans by holding a public hearing and a public meeting to approve plans (not on the same day). Five days after adoption: LEAs must submit the plan to the county office of education, charter authorizer or state superintendent of public instruction. Oct. 30, 2020: Deadline for COE or CDE to provide any recommendations for amendments to the plan. 15 days after receipt of any recommendations: LEA governing boards must hold another public hearing to consider recommendations.
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