Three keynotes have been announced for the 2022 CEL Institute, from left: Kathy Espinoza, Martin Cisneros and Steve Bollar.
Get ready to celebrate the work of classified school leaders and learn strategies for success at the 2022 Classified Educational Leader Institute, April 11-13 in North Hollywood.
The conference, which was originally scheduled for February, was pushed back to April, allowing more classified school leaders to take advantage of this professional learning opportunity. Presented by ACSA’s Classified Educational Leaders Council, attendees will discover new ideas and best practices they can implement in their schools right now.
“The institute is an opportunity to network and find job-class solutions for everyday issues that classified leaders face,” said planning committee member Antonio Romayor Jr., chief technology officer with El Centro Elementary School District. “The relationships forged and turn-key solutions offered at the institute are invaluable and will enhance the skills and abilities of today’s classified leaders.”
ACSA’s Classified Educational Leaders Institute is designed for administrators in several vital areas of school leadership, including:
- Business/fiscal services
- Human resources/personnel
- Maintenance/operations/custodial
- Information technology
- Facilities
- Nutrition
- Transportation
- Administrative assistants
Attendees will enjoy sessions on myriad topics, including “Meetings that Matter: Reimagining the Meeting Space to Inspire and Motivate Staff!” and “Neutral: The Power of Mental Health Conditioning.”
They will also hear from three inspiring keynote speakers:
Steve Bollar (aka Stand Tall Steve)
Steve Bollar is an educational thought leader, former school uperintendent, principal, author and a school culture and motivation expert. He is known for his quick wit, creative thought and humorous personality. He is the author of the book “Stand Tall Leadership,” the school culture and climate book “Ideas, Ideas, Ideas.” Bollar’s alter ego is Stand Tall Steve. Stand Tall Steve openly shares his knowledge, experiences and creativity with others. He currently speaks throughout the country about how to think differently about schools, education and life.
Martin Cisneros
Martin Cisneros (@TheTechProfe) is a self-professed GeekDad, TechJedi, SuperMariachi and edtech consultant from the Silicon Valley. Currently the Director of Technology Services at Berryessa Union School District, Cisneros develops and facilitates professional learning on the most current educational trends for the purpose of improving teaching and learning through innovative processes. He has developed many blended curricular programs, some of which have been adopted by districts and others that have been rolled out country-wide. He presents at various educational conferences on ways to support blended teaching and learning.
Kathy Espinoza
Over the past 18 months, COVID has consumed our lives and taken us out of our comfort zone. Yet, we have learned to adapt, learned new technology and new ways of delivering services. Kathy Espinoza, ergonomics and safety expert with AP Keenan, will speak on “Bent, But Not Broken … Emerging from COVID more resilient, creative and hopeful.” This session will look at how COVID has affected our resilience, our creativity and comfort levels. You will learn positive, uplifting strategies to focus on, so we don’t come out of the pandemic the way we came into it.
Classified Educational Leaders Institute
What: The only statewide professional development event specifically designed for classified educational leaders.
When: April 11-13, 2022
Where: The Garland Hotel in North Hollywood
Cost: $329 ACSA members/non-members ineligible for membership; team rates also
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