Collaborative will operate ‘in the eye of the storm’
From the ACSA President, Erin Simon
April 10, 2023
ACSA is a truly special organization that is committed to providing educational leaders with the tools and resources needed to advocate for excellence and access for the students we serve.
The proof of this is evident in our mission statement:
“The Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students.”
Staying true to its mission, ACSA has joined three of California’s public school leadership organizations to launch a multi-year collaborative effort prioritizing community and policy work that supports the state’s most vulnerable students. Collectively, we are locating the eye of the storm — that still point in the center, that place of clarity amid the swirling crosscurrents and emotional stir of misnomers surrounding positive academic outcomes and equal access for all students, specifically students of color. I offer an example of what this work looks like.
ACSA and the affinity organizations, including the California Association of Asian and Pacific Leaders in Education, the California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators, and the California Association of African-American Superintendents and Administrators, have begun working on a joint guiding framework addressing the most immediate and urgent long-term issues impacting students and families of color. The collaboration includes community and stakeholder outreach, as well as direct political advocacy efforts.
We have talked about and around the issue of academic equity for far too long ... [This collaborative’s] work to support students and address academic equity issues ... will be focused on substantive outcomes.
We each understand that we have a lot of work to do to support our students who confront the ongoing challenges that exist in and out of the classroom. We have talked about and around the issue of academic equity for far too long and while there are good intentions, there are few achievements. Our work to support students and address academic equity issues and access to academic resources will be focused on substantive outcomes.
The collaborative is focusing its initial work on identifying and addressing some of the factors that impact academic achievement. While the group will take a holistic look at factors including food insecurity, family relations and stress, educator shortages and neighborhood characteristics, a strategic plan will be created that focuses on one key issue and reinforces the collaborative strength of these affinity organizations.
In March 2023, the collaborative moved forward on the next phase of the framework and is engaging its membership throughout the process. ACSA members should stay tuned for joint presentations, panel discussions and deep conversations about the work of this collaborative at select ACSA events.
This collaborative endeavors to advance academic equity and access, and dismantle the systemic inequities that continue to result in harmful and negative outcomes for students and families of color. Together, we will create a shared vision and joint strategies that will enable us to transform our work for greater academic equity.
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