Don’t put children at risk — vote ‘no’ on Prop. 27
From the Executive Director, Edgar Zazueta
October 17, 2022

Mobile devices are part of our children’s everyday lives. Whether I’m dropping my two kids off at school or visiting a classroom, I see phones and tablets everywhere.
In July, the ACSA Board of Directors voted to oppose Proposition 27. Educators at all levels are in the profession to do what is best for students and our priority should be protecting them in every way possible.
The Yes on 27 campaign says the proposition will impose a 10 percent tax on sports-wagering revenues and licensing fees, which will generate $500 million annually to create solutions to homelessness and mental health. The campaign claims the proposition will provide strict protections for minors.
Do we want to create a new gateway to put our children in harm’s way?
But the details are what matter.
The alleged strict protections aren’t any more substantive than current protections in place to protect minors from gambling. You would think advocates for such an initiative would strive to beef up the protections to swing voters to approve 27. Instead, it is the status quo.
We know that our children are smart and know how to maneuver in the online world. They can set up their own Amazon accounts, watch videos on TikTok, and post their BeReal photos and locations without any engagement from an adult. They can gain access to questionable content without crossing paths with their parent or guardian.
Do we want to create a new gateway to put our children in harm’s way?
I urge you to join ACSA in safeguarding the well-being of children and vote no on Proposition 27.
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