Every Student Succeeding Region 9: Mariah Mask-Johnson
July 1, 2024
8th Grade, Sequoia Middle School, Fresno USD
Mariah Mask-Johnson’s journey is a testament to her grit. Amidst the shadows of her tumultuous childhood, Mariah found Principal Allyson Burns, who became a guiding light at Sequoia Middle School. Through Burns’ unwavering support and unconditional love, Mariah blossomed, defying the odds stacked against her. She credits the strong bond she formed with Burns for changing the course of her life. Now, as she faces new opportunities, Mariah remains a model of strength and determination. Her journey serves as a tribute to the transformative power of educators who believe in the boundless potential of every student.
“If I didn’t have to experience everything that I’ve experienced throughout the 13 years that I’ve been here, I wouldn’t be the strong, independent young woman I’m becoming today.”
ACSA Region 9 2024 Every Student Succeeding Mariah Mask-Johnson.