Get excited for ACSA’s Summer Leadership Institute
PD gives principals ‘just what they need’ to succeed next school year
April 8, 2024
When you think about the start of the 2024-25 school year, you want to be the one screaming: “I AM SO EXCITED TO BE A PRINCIPAL THIS YEAR!!!!”
That’s how one attendee felt after taking part in last year’s ACSA Summer Leadership Institute. This annual ACSA summer learning experience provides space for principals, co-principals and aspiring principals to meet in a stimulating and supportive setting that prepares them for greatness in the coming year.
“The institute has a way of providing just what leaders need,” said Jeff Crane, a longtime Team Leader at the institute. “Those who are aspiring to be principals get help in exploring and defining their leadership style. At the same time, veteran principals get time to connect and share ideas and resources with other veteran principals. And everyone learns together and from each other.”
The Summer Leadership Institute provides high-quality content for participants and time to process that content while connecting with colleagues from throughout the state. It also reinvigorates site leaders, who can experience high attrition rates due to the demands of the role.
“Every year we start the week with some principals saying that they aren’t sure they want to continue as a principal. The job is too difficult and the enjoyment they are getting no longer outweighs the challenges,” Crane said. “More often than not, the Institute provides just the recharge that leaders need to tackle the next school year with enthusiasm.”
At this weeklong retreat, attendees spend their time living, learning and connecting with fellow principals and those aspiring to the role. Sessions featuring inspiring and informative experts in the educational field will prepare attendees to meet the challenges facing school site leaders today. Participants are grouped into teams based on their experience and position. Each team has a Team Leader, an experienced administrator who guides participants to reflect on the content and how it applies to their school site. Participants say that the safe spaces cultivated by the Team Leaders allow for honest conversations that deepen the learning.
New location this year
Since 1992, ACSA has held this summer program at the University of California, Los Angeles campus. Due to renovations for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, this location is not available for 2024.
The UC San Diego campus has been chosen to host the 2024 Summer Leadership Institute. Attendees will meet at the Price Center and in smaller classrooms for team meetings. Attendees will live in private rooms in apartment-style settings.
What principals are saying
Here’s a sampling of some of the reasons why participants say this is a must-do professional development experience for site leaders.
  • “I feel ready to jump into my role as a brand new principal straight from the classroom.”
  • “I love this institute because to me it is more like a retreat to renew my fire for my passion. Resets my why.”
  • “We built relationships and connections that will last a lifetime.”
  • “My self-worth went through the roof. I had a cathartic release almost every day. I didn’t feel so alone, so full of doubt.”
  • “ACSA Summer Leadership Institute is by far the best professional development opportunity I have ever experienced in my 23 years as an educator. I can’t wait to participate in this institute again.”
  • “I walked away inspired to bring joy to my campus, so much so that ‘Joy’ is my theme for this year.”
  • “Reminded me of the enormity of the task and the privilege of doing the job.”
Veteran, new and aspiring principals will be excited for the coming school year after attending ACSA’s Summer Leadership Institute, a weeklong leadership training held this year at UC San Diego.
Summer Leadership Institute
What: Intensive leadership development for veteran, new and aspiring principals. When: June 24-28 Where: UC San Diego Cost: $2,100 ACSA member early bird rate (ends May 31) Register: bit.ly/summerinstitute2024
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