Summer Leadership Institute at UCLA.
Summer Leadership Institute at UCLA.
Faculty member Don Vu.
Faculty member Don Vu.
Participants do the “wave.”
Participants do the “wave.”
Faculty member Justin Baeder.
Faculty member Justin Baeder.
Participants snap a selfie.
Participants snap a selfie.
One of several teams at the Institute.
One of several teams at the Institute.
Team Leaders Callie Beitler and Maria Thompson
Team Leaders Callie Beitler and Maria Thompson
Faculty member Tovi Scruggs-Hussein.
Faculty member Tovi Scruggs-Hussein.
Faculty member Tovi Scruggs-Hussein.
Faculty member Tovi Scruggs-Hussein.
Handshake activity.
Handshake activity.
Faculty member Michelle Trujillo.
Faculty member Michelle Trujillo.
 ACSA President Parvin Ahmadi.
ACSA President Parvin Ahmadi.
Dancing at the Thursday night barbecue.
Dancing at the Thursday night barbecue.
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Greetings from sunny Southern California
July 24, 2023
More than 150 site leaders and those aspiring to the role met at UCLA in June for ACSA’s Summer Leadership Institute. These leaders learned strategies for “Leading Up — Invigorate and Extend Your Leadership.”
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