Student-designed buttons were included in the Mendocino COE voter information packets.
High School Voter Education Week
September 5, 2022
Mendocino County Office of Education distributed 4,000 voter information packets to students 16 and older to promote civic engagement in April.
The packets, which were assembled by the League of Women Voters of Mendocino County, contained student-designed buttons, a pocket U.S. Constitution and a wallet card with relevant civic engagement links. California Education Code designates the last two full weeks in April and September to be High School Voter Education Weeks to promote civic education and participation and foster an environment that cultivates lifelong voters and active citizens.
To find more resources for educators, including information on the California Student Mock Election, how students can sign up to be poll workers, and a social media toolkit to encourage voter pre-registration at ages 16 and 17, visit www.sos.ca.gov/elections/high-school-programs/.

Mendocino County Office of Education distributed 4,000 voter information packets to students 16 and older to promote civic engagement in April.
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