High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
January 11, 2021
1. Don’t miss Negotiators’ Symposium
Sign up now for this two-day online virtual conference featuring sessions presented by practitioners, consultants and attorneys that will offer insight into the issues and laws that confront HR departments. Keynotes are Namita Brown (F3 law firm), John Gray (School Services of California, Inc.) and Simon T. Bailey (author, speaker and life coach).
When: Jan. 20-21, 2021
Cost: $259 ACSA member, $379 non-member
Info: bit.ly/negotiators2021
2. New Superintendents’ Workshop held Jan. 26-27
3. Register now for Every Child Counts Symposium
4. CNET open to all coaches
ACSA’s California Network of Leadership Coaches (CNET) is open to anyone who provides leadership coaching to school administrators and wants ongoing professional development to strengthen their skills. Sessions will cover current educational research/trends, CalAPA, coaching with cultural proficiency, and technology.
When: Choose one of 11 sessions starting Jan. 26 through March 16
Where: Online
Cost: $185
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/california-network-of-school-leadership-coaches
5. ACSA/TSS Director of Child Nutrition
ACSA and Total School Solutions have partnered to offer a Director of Child Nutrition academy. Expand your skillset in a challenging yet encouraging environment designed to help you lead. The lead instructor for this 10-month program is Jose Alvarado, who most recently served as the Director of Child Nutrition for Fresno Unified School District.
When: Course starting soon
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/products/director-of-child-nutrition-academy