Our weekly picks for advancing your career
1. Co-admin workshop in Sacramento
“A Day in the Life of a Co-Administrator” exposes co-administrators to proactive measures for utilization in the world of discipline, records, attendance, safety and more, allowing them the opportunity to become more effective instructional leaders rather than firefighters.
When: Feb. 11
Where: ACSA Sacramento offices
Cost: $215 (ACSA member rate)
Info: www.acsa.org/workshops
2. CEL Institute: Legacy Leaders opening session
Thursday’s opening session for the Classified Educational Leaders Institute will feature a panel on “Legacy Leaders Creating Legacy Moments: What’s Your Story?” During this interactive panel/workshop, a group of seasoned classified leaders will share how they used their moments to create their own stories. Attend this conference at the one-day rate of $180 (ACSA members and those not eligible for membership).
When: Feb. 27-28, 2020
Where: Garland Hotel, North Hollywood
Register: http://bit.ly/2ZSELI9
3. Principals’ Summer Institutes 2020
Get ready for your next adventure at the Principals’ Summer Institute (for principals with 3+ years’ experience) and the Institute for New & Aspiring Principals (principals with 1-2 years of experience, and those aspiring to the role). This residential program held at UCLA offers a chance to study and reflect on the profession among job-alike colleagues. Space is limited, so sign up now to receive an update when registration opens.
When: June 21-27 (Principals’ Summer Institute) and June 22-26 (Institute for New & Aspiring Principals)
Where: UCLA campus
Info: www.acsa.org/summerprograms
4. Want an ACSA Academy in your area?
During the late fall and winter, planning for ACSA’s Academies in nine specializations takes place in order to open registration in May. Share your interest in bringing an Academy to your region for the 2020-21 year by contacting Mary Gomes, Educational Services Executive, mgomes@acsa.org or contact your region consultant.
Info: www.acsa.org/academies
5. Legislative Action Day
Learn about statewide advocacy at ACSA’s 2020 Legislative Action Day. ACSA staff, along with experts in the field, provide members with briefings and guidance on current issues in education, offering the tools and opportunity for you to directly lobby the Legislature. If you are interested in attending, contact your region’s Vice President of Legislative Action by March 1.
When: April 19-20, 2020
Where: Sacramento
Info: www.acsa.org/legactionday