High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
October 16, 2023
1. K-12 Site Administrators Leadership Network
This networking series is sponsored by the ACSA Elementary, Middle Grades and Secondary Education Councils in collaboration with NAESP & NASSP. Each session will feature an essential leadership priority based upon statewide input from school site leaders. Breakout rooms will be available for grade span specific focus. Learn practical strategies and resources while networking with colleagues around the state.
When: Monthly meetings begin Nov. 1
Where: Virtual (Online Learning Center)
Cost: Free
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/2023-24-k-12-site-administrators-leadership-network
2. Last chance to join Summit in Sacramento
There’s still time to join ACSA’s premier professional development event of the year. All levels of school administration are invited to gather and share practices, network with colleagues and enjoy keynotes from Dr. G.T. Reyes, Principal Kafele and Dr. Ruha Benjamin.
When: Nov. 2-4, 2023
Where: Sacramento
Cost: $749 ACSA member; $899 non-member; $349 retired ACSA member
Register: bit.ly/ACSASummit2023
3. Registration open for Negotiators Symposium
Negotiators Symposium brings HR professionals together to help them stay informed on ever-changing employment legislation, network with colleagues and provide a forum for exchanging information on trends and ideas used in HR management today.
When: Jan. 17-19, 2024
Where: San Diego
Info: bit.ly/negotiators2024
4. It’s not too late to clear credentials with ACSA
Make sure new administrators know there’s still time to clear their credential through ACSA! Late hires in their first administrative position are able to join the Winter Cohort of ACSA’s Clear Administrative Credential Program, the largest provider of coaching, professional development and assessment for attaining the Clear Administrative Services Credential.
When: Apply through Jan. 31, 2024
Info: acsa.org/credentialing
5. Home and Hospital Instruction workshop
Don’t miss this virtual workshop that will provide the nuts and bolts for effective implementation of a Home and Hospital Instruction program. This virtual workshop will provide attendees with: legal mandates; step-by-step program implementation; and sample handbook, applications and documents.
When: 9 a.m.--12 p.m. Oct. 25
Where: Online
Cost: $79 ACSA members
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/home-and-hospital-instruction-nuts-and-bolts-for-effective-implementation