High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
October 21, 2019
1. Lead 3 Symposium call for presenters
Do you have a vision for the future of schools? Share your know-how as a presenter at Lead 3 Symposium, a leadership, technology and innovation conference hosted by ACSA, CETPA, CUE, and TICAL on April 2-4, 2020 in Sacramento. Topics should align to the Future Ready Schools framework.
When: Submissions are due Nov. 30.
2. SEL preconference at Leadership Summit
Arriving to Summit early? Don’t forget to add “Leading for Social, Emotional and Academic Success” to your registration. This preconference will help school leaders plan a more intentional and consistent approach to Social Emotional Learning. With real-world examples and strategic conversations, you’ll leave this session with concrete next steps to move toward a coherent, systemic approach.
When: 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6
Where: Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Info: http://bit.ly/2YZnngB
3. In charge of master scheduling?
4. HR workshop
Administrators with Human Resources responsibilities, classified managers and other support staff are encouraged to attend The Human Resources Office: The First 90 Days and Beyond. Participants new to HR and those with years of experience will benefit from the comprehensive overview of the myriad tasks and responsibilities of the Human Resources office, as well as practical skills and best practices. This one-day workshop will include a detailed calendar of events, procedures and an HR self-assessment tool.
When: Jan. 7 (Ontario), Jan. 9 (Sacramento), Feb. 4 (La Mesa)
5. Sisterhood call for presenters
Add “conference presenter” to your résumé by submitting a proposal for the second annual Sisterhood Leadership Symposium, held May 16, 2020 in Alhambra. With the theme “Leading Phenomenally: A Pathway to Leadership,” this event promises to be a premier networking and leadership experience. Presentations should align to three strands: Aspiring, Advancing, and Achieving and Beyond.
When: Submissions due Feb. 3, 2020