High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
March 1, 2021
1. Legislative Action Day
This year’s virtual Legislative Action Day will bring ACSA members together for a two-day advocacy event. ACSA staff, along with experts in the field, will provide members with briefings and guidance on current issues in education as well as offer the tools to directly lobby the Legislature. Hear about ACSA’s legislative priorities and advocate for leadership, equity, support and investment on behalf of California’s students and educators.
When: Monday, April 12 and Tuesday, April 13
Cost: Free
Sign up: webapp.spotme.com/welcome/acsalegactionday21
2. Communication Concepts & Concerns Series
Enhance your communication skills and professional development with this on-demand video series that covers a variety of key issues that school districts face. Veteran school communications expert Tom DeLapp presents insights, strategies and techniques for dealing with five key communication issues facing school leaders.
When: On-demand
Cost: $29 each session, or buy more and save
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/cart-collections/communication-concepts-concerns-series
3. Co-Administrators Networking Event
ACSA Member Services invites you to a virtual co-administrators networking event, “More Good Days: Brain Based Strategies to Boost Staff & Student Success,” presented by Dr. Joelle Hood, Jessie Fuller, and Janeen Antonelli. Participants will walk away with key ideas about the neuroscience of belonging and behavior, and research-based strategies to help themselves and students learn how to identify and calm their emotions.
When: 4-5:30 p.m. March 9, 2021
Cost: Free to ACSA members, $25 non-members
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/how-to-support-staff-and-students-through-challenging-times
4. Last chance for coaches
ACSA’s California Network of Leadership Coaches (CNET) is open to anyone who provides leadership coaching to school administrators and wants ongoing professional development to strengthen their skills. When: Seven sessions start in March
Where: Online (ACSA Online Learning Center)
Cost: $185
Info: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/california-network-of-school-leadership-coaches
5. Save the date Sisterhood Symposium on May 15
Join ACSA, CAAASA and CALSA for a virtual Sisterhood Symposium, an opportunity to check-in with your colleagues and friends to discuss the difficult issues facing women in school leadership.
When: Saturday, May 15
Where: Virtual event
Cost: Free
Info: Check acsa.org/sisterhoodsymposium for updates