High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
May 27, 2024
1. Still time to join Summer Leadership Institute
Don’t miss out on experiencing this ACSA summer learning tradition for principals and aspiring principals. Team leaders and full schedule now available online.
When: June 24-28
Cost: $2,100 ACSA members; $2,600 non-members (early bird rates end May 31)
Register: bit.ly/summerinstitute2024
2. Leadership Summit registration now open
ACSA’s premier professional development event is for educators at all levels of administration. For 2.5 days, this conference provides opportunities for invaluable networking and offers professional development on current critical leadership and educational issues. Interested in presenting? Call for proposals deadline is June 30. Find details online.
When: Nov. 14-16, 2024
Where: San Diego
Cost: $699 ACSA members; $749 non-member (early bird rate ends June 30)
Register: bit.ly/acsasummit24
3. Join the new Personnel & Negotiations Symposium
ACSA is combining two popular conferences — the Negotiators’ Symposium and the Personnel Institute — into one standout professional learning event for personnel administrators and negotiating teams. Find more information online, including how to submit a proposal to present at this conference and how to make a nomination for the Ray Curry and the Negotiatior of the Year awards.
When: Sept. 24-27, 2024
Where: Burlingame
Cost: $829 ACSA member; $1,029 non-member; $555 Retired Member
Register: bit.ly/PersonnelSymposium
4. ACSA offers Title IX Training in August
This two-part online training will address required components under the new Title IX rules for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decisionmakers/Appeal Decisionmakers, and Informal Resolution Facilitators. All Title IX team members are encouraged to attend.
When: 1-4 p.m. August 6 & 13
Where: Online
Cost: $249 ACSA members; $349 non-members
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/title-ix-team-compliance-training
5. New supt? Start here
ACSA’s New Superintendents Seminar Series allows new superintendents to tackle current issues in a confidential and supportive setting with the guidance of experienced, successful superintendents. Topics covered include negotiations, governance and personnel issues. Registration opens June 1.
When: Five sessions in 2024-25
Where: In person (see online for locations)
Cost: $2,900 ACSA members; $3,900 non-members
Register: http://acsa.org/nsss