High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
June 26, 2023
1. New Superintendents Seminar Series
ACSA’s New Superintendents Seminar Series is the only professional development series that is specifically designed for the first- and second-year superintendent. NSSS allows new superintendents to tackle current issues in a confidential and supportive setting with the guidance of experienced superintendents.
When: Five sessions throughout the year (first session Sept. 22-23)
Where: In person (Sacramento and Indian Wells)
Cost: $2,900 ACSA member; $2,175 second-year/returning cohort ACSA member
Register: bit.ly/NSSS2023
2. Summit keynote: Dr. G.T. Reyes
Associate professor of education at Cal State East Bay Dr. G.T. Reyes is showing school leaders how to create programs with the potential and power to liberate their students. Hear about his values-centered, socio-historically grounded approach to school leadership at Leadership Summit.
When: Nov. 2-4, 2023
Where: Sacramento
Cost: $649 ACSA member; $799 non-member (early-bird pricing ends June 30)
Register: bit.ly/ACSASummit2023
3. Register now for Women in School Leadership Forum
Grab your spot at the Women in School Leadership Forum, ACSA’s premier networking and educational experience designed to engage, enlighten, empower and connect women education leaders.
When: Sept. 20-22, 2023
Where: Newport Beach
Register: bit.ly/WISL2023
4. Clear credentialing open for enrollment
New administrators must enroll in a Clear Administrative Credential Program within one year of their first administrative position. ACSA’s program has served more than 1,500 new administrators who receive individualized, one-on-one, job embedded coaching. Start enrollment by contacting your Local Program Coordinator (list available online).
When: Enrollment deadline is August 31, 2023
Info: acsa.org/credentialing
5. SART/SARB workshop
In this new virtual workshop, attendees will explore the legal aspects of SART/SARB. You will be led through a step-by-step analysis of the process, be provided with implementation procedures, and attendees will be asked to evaluate their very own SART and SARB process for implementation. Those in attendance will walk away with tools to use immediately.
When: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sept. 12
Where: Online Learning Center
Cost: $79
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org
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