High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
July 24, 2023
1. Spread the word about Co-Administrators Academy
Do you know a new or aspiring administrator who would be interested in ACSA’s Co-Administrators Academy? Let them know to snag their spot now for this Academy, which meets online for seven extended weekends (Thursday evenings and Saturdays) throughout the year. Registration for this and 10 other leadership specializations is available now online.
Register: www.acsa.org/academies
2. Summit keynote spotlight: Principal Kafele
Known for turning around four different schools in New Jersey, Principal Kafele is one of the most sought-after experts on closing the “Attitude Gap” in schools. He will share equity and leadership practices with attendees live at ACSA’s Leadership Summit.
When: Nov. 2-4, 2023
Where: Sacramento
Cost: $699 ACSA member; $849 non-member (promotional pricing ends Sept. 30); $349 retired member
Register: bit.ly/ACSASummit2023
3. School Attendance Review Team and Board webinar
There are many facets to the School Attendance Review Team and School Attendance Review Board process. In this new virtual workshop, attendees will explore the legal aspects of the SART/SARB process. They will be led through a step-by-step analysis of the process, be provided with implementation procedures, and will be asked to evaluate their very own SART and SARB process for implementation. Those in attendance will walk away with tools to use immediately.
When: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sept. 12
Where: Online Learning Center
Cost: $79
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/school-attendance-review-team-and-board-effective-strategies-for-implementation-virtual-workshop
4. August sessions for ACSA Leadership Coaching
Help develop the next generation of education leaders. ACSA’s Leadership Coaching program is for individuals who provide ongoing or induction coaching of school administrators.
When: 1-4 p.m. Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23
Where: Online Learning Center
Cost: $650
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/acsa-leadership-coaching-test
5. Principals with Principles webinar
School communities place a premium on the information that they receive from principals. This workshop will provide strategies and practical tips to strengthen your communication strategies and skills.
When: 3-4 p.m. August 16
Where: Online Learning Center
Cost: Free
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/principals-with-principles-communicating-to-build-trust
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