High 5
Our weekly picks for advancing your career
September 18, 2023
1. Registration now open for Supts’ Symposium
Join district and county leaders from throughout the state for two days of professional learning, networking and advocacy. This is the best time to look at the governor's budget and to review the state-of-the-state and state-of-the-district. Keynote presenter will be “The Sum of Us” author Heather McGee.
When: Jan. 24-26, 2024
Where: Hyatt Regency Indian Wells
Cost: $849 ACSA member; $429 retired ACSA member
Register: bit.ly/supts2024
2. Save on your Leadership Summit registration
Do you accept the challenge? Join ACSA's premier conference for invaluable networking opportunities and professional development on current critical leadership and educational issues. Discounted registration available through Sept. 30.
When: Nov. 2-4, 2023
Where: Sacramento
Register: bit.ly/ACSASummit2023
3. Leading Best Practices for Students with Disabilities
Join two engaging sessions (six hours of professional development) and learn best practices to help students with disabilities. This workshop is designed for anyone new, aspiring, or a veteran to the Special Education department. ACSA members Charity Hennings and Eli Gallup will lead this interactive workshop designed for you to understand the ins and outs of the Special Education office.
When: 9. a.m.-12 p.m. Sept. 26 and Oct. 3
Cost: $149
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/leading-best-practices-for-students-with-disabilities
4. Leading Best Practices for Curriculum & Instructional Administration
Are you new, interested or a veteran to the Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability department at your district? This two-part virtual workshop will cover best practices and strategies for administrators to implement in their day-to-day tasks as a leader of CI&A. Different approaches, logistics and leadership development will be discussed.
When: 1-4 p.m. Oct. 5 and 12
Cost: $149
Register: http://onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/smart-strategies-for-cia-administration
5. School-Based Health and Wellness Centers webinar
California's school-based health and wellness centers are a way for schools to bring reliable, affordable, quality health and mental care services to students and their families in an accessible and coordinated way. In this workshop, explore various models for health and wellness centers across California, and how to more fully integrate robust and sustainable health services in your school.
When: 1-2 p.m. Oct. 10
Cost: Free
Register: onlinelearning.acsa.org/courses/school-based-health-and-wellness-centers-why-and-how
© 2023 Association of California School Administrators