Educators have important role in uncertain times
From the ACSA President, Linda Kaminski
August 19, 2019
As our schools open their doors to begin the new school year, we welcome new students, parents, teachers, administrators and support staff onto our campuses and into our schools.  The beginning of each new school year affords us many reasons to celebrate — new heights in student achievement that will be reached, new student potential unlocked, and our ever increasing ability to meet the diverse needs of our students and communities.   At the same time, our students are facing uncertainty, now more than ever before. With the poverty rate in California ranking highest in the country, rapidly changing immigration policies, and increased threats to safety and well-being, many of our students are left feeling very vulnerable. It is in the face of this uncertainty that many students will arrive in our classrooms on the first day of school. As educators, we have the unique ability and responsibility to be an active participant in meeting the educational, cultural and societal needs of our state. We do this by modeling behavior that respects diverse perspectives, celebrates diverse cultural values, and recognizes our shared humanity — acknowledging our common humanity is what unites us in uncertain times and allows us to celebrate the differences that influence our culture and shape our beliefs.  Our job as educators is one of the most diverse. We are counselors listening to the complex issues facing our students and we are coaches as we push and encourage our students to challenge themselves. Above all, our job as educators calls us to serve our students with equity and excellence, and it is in this vein that we have great ability to impact our students and society. If within the walls of our schools our students are given the resources they need to succeed, if they see acceptance modeled, if they hear discourse that respects diverse opinions and allows room for disagreement while expanding shared values and finding common ground, they will leave our schools equipped with the strength, wisdom and courage to face uncertain times.   I firmly believe that as members of the nation’s largest administrative association, we can lead the way through uncertainties and challenges to create schools that nurture, enrich and support all our students. Thank you for what you will accomplish this year on behalf of our students to create a future where all can thrive.
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