Initiative provides ‘roadmap’ to California teaching careers
December 4, 2023
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing has introduced the Roadmap to Teaching initiative that includes a suite of digital tools along with a new staff of career counselors available to provide individualized guidance for those interested in entering the education profession.
The Roadmap to Teaching initiative, established by Assembly Bill 178, a 2022-23 budget trailer bill, provided a $1.4 million state budget allocation along with eight staff positions aimed at making it easier to understand the pathways to become a teacher.
“This initiative is a direct response to California’s ongoing teacher shortage and Governor Gavin Newsom’s efforts to support education throughout the state,” said Mary Vixie Sandy, executive director, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
“The investment of fiscal and personnel resources provides the Commission with the necessary tools to engage and inform a qualified and diverse pool of future educators ready to inspire California’s youth.”
The Commission’s recent Teacher Supply in California annual report to the state Legislature tracked a 16 percent year-over-year decrease in the number of new teaching credentials issued. In the most recent 2021-22 fiscal year data, there were 16,491 new teaching credentials issued compared to 19,659 such credentials the previous year. Early indications suggest that application volume increased in 2022-23.
Online tools
New interactive online resources include a Career Pathways tool (educatortools.ctc.ca.gov/careerpathway) that leads users through their personal options to become a licensed educator in California, including classroom teachers, substitute teachers, early childhood educators, or roles in counseling, speech, health and other much-needed professions.
Before most credentials or permits are issued for service in California public schools, applicants must verify basic skills proficiency in English reading, English writing and math. The new Basic Skills Calculator guides users through these requirements, including mix-and-match options such as qualifying college coursework, SAT and/or ACT scores.
“This initiative is a direct response to California’s ongoing teacher shortage ...”
Mary Vixie Sandy, Executive director, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Additional resources include infographics that explain the four pathways to earn a California preliminary teaching credential as well as many options to help fund a teacher preparation program, including grants, residencies and internships.
A future Roadmap to Teaching enhancement will include an automated credentialing system that will transition all credential, permit and waiver applications online to improve application processing times and streamline the experience for applicants.
New education career counselors
Those interested in having a one-on-one conversation about becoming an educator may now reach out directly to the Commission’s education career counselors. These experienced staff members serve as career guidance counselors, credential experts, subject matter experts and resource specialists for individuals seeking to make the transition into a PK-12 educational career.
Education career counselors may be reached via the online contact form for appointments to discuss questions ranging from how to become an educator to choosing a preparation program. In addition, an improved live chat platform features automated responses and links to resources.
The Roadmap to Teaching initiative is one of many state investments aimed at increasing the education workforce, including but not limited to grant investments of $350 million to support teacher residency programs; $184 million to support residency programs specifically for school counselors; expanded funding of an additional $125 million for the California Classified School Employees Teacher Credentialing Programs and $20 million to support development of additional Integrated Undergraduate Teacher Preparation grants.
For more information, visit www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/roadmap-to-teaching. Find the education career counselors online contact form by clicking “Connect with us!”