Kincaid committed to growth — for herself and others
July 13, 2020
Gerrie Kincaid, ACSA’s Central Office Administrator of the Year for 2020, said growing the adults who care for students was the impetus behind her leaving the classroom
and pursing educational leadership in 1998. Since then, she has demonstrated a passion for improving student learning and improving herself through professional development. As a central office administrator, she has worked with several site and district administrators to challenge them to identify strengths and areas for growth. Although she entered retirement on July 1, she leaves a legacy of leadership in her schools, her community and her ACSA charter. “Ms. Kincaid promotes the success of all students by modeling a personal code of ethics and commitment to professional growth,” said Jason M. Hodgson, director of professional development at Panama-Buena Vista USD, who nominated Kincaid. What’s your favorite book on leadership?  A longtime favorite book on leadership is “Leading with Soul” by Terrence Deal and Lee Bolman. This was a required reading at an ACSA Colloquium for Aspiring Administrators at UCLA many years ago and Terrence Deal was actually a guest lecturer. This book describes the path to leadership as a very personal journey that truly requires self-awareness and a servant-leader mentality.  What’s your favorite quote about leadership?  “People who add value to others, do so intentionally. I say that, because to add value, leaders must give of themselves, and that rarely happens by accident.” — John C. Maxwell What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?  Lead with optimism and belief, especially when circumstances are difficult. Don’t let negative conditions define your attitude and always remain professional and cool-headed. Lead in a manner that paints an inspiring vision. What made you want to become a school administrator?  I was inspired by the amazing leaders before me, who, as great leaders, helped others reach their goals. I spent many years as a leader in our local teachers’ union, which gave me the opportunity to see a bigger picture as to how important it is to care for and grow the adults who are charged with caring for and advancing our students.  What is your proudest accomplishment?  After initially serving as an elementary principal in my district, I was given the unique opportunity to open, first, a new elementary school and, three years later, the new junior high school these same students would attend. It was a great opportunity to establish a rich school culture, define operations and plan for the adult learning from the ground up.  Who is someone who inspires you?  I’m inspired by students who, despite great personal challenges in their lives, are hungry to learn and grow.  What’s your pre-game ritual to get ready for a big meeting or presentation?  I tend to over-prepare and endeavor to better know my audience. I try to anticipate issues, needs, and concerns which may arise so I can address them proactively. How has ACSA supported you in your career/current position?  ACSA has provided great resources and networking opportunities. It’s great to be around so many impactful leaders who give of themselves to advance the needs of our students, schools and districts. What bucket list item do you hope to accomplish this year?  Sometime this year I would like to leave my house and go out to dinner and a movie. What has the impact of the COVID-19 worldwide health crisis taught you?  Pivot, don’t panic. So much leadership learning has taken place in this crisis. I think we all have learned to develop new procedures and processes, to take a new direction, and consider new possibilities. I’ve learned normal is ever-changing. The best response has been to pivot, to implement different leadership strategies, and to take small steps that could have a lasting influence.
ACSA 2020 Central Office Administrator of the Year Gerrie Kincaid.
Gerrie Kincaid, who retired July 1, leaves a legacy of educational leadership.
Name: Gerrie Kincaid Award: Central Office Administrator of the Year Title: Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Panama-Buena Vista Union School District ACSA highlights: member since 1998; ACSA West Kern District Liaison
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