LEAs invited to be part of school-based billing PLN
August 21, 2023
The Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Youth Health & Wellness Department and its consortium partners invite TK-12 school staff to be part of the statewide School-Based Billing Professional Learning Network.
This virtual learning opportunity is ideal for billing coordinators and other LEA staff involved or interested in school-based billing.
Learn about the LEA Billing Option Program (LEA BOP), School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (SMAA), Managed Care Plan billing and other school billing models, that may generate revenues to sustain and expand your school-based health and behavioral health programs. Gain insight on how to collaborate and leverage with community partners around billing, and understand the steps to develop and implement a school-based billing program. Presenters will include recognized experts in the field of school-based billing.
Sessions will be held monthly throughout the school year. All sessions are virtual (Zoom link to be provided upon registration).
Space is limited and registration will close as soon as the participant limit is reached. Visit sccoe.to/CaliforniaPLN to register.
For more information, please contact Alicia Orozco aorozco@sccoe.org or Adriana Huerta ahuerta@sccoe.org.
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