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Members in the News
October 14, 2024
“I’m working with a very diverse group of educators. Some have learned this in their teaching credential program; some have not.”
— Aleyda Barrera-Cruz
Executive director for multilingual learner services at the San Mateo-Foster City School District, in a story about California’s English Learner Roadmap Policy, which according to advocates has been unevenly implemented across the state. (EdSource, Sept. 3, 2024)
“You know, no one realizes something’s wrong with the roof until it rains. Our youngest building is 60 years old.”
— Daryl Camp
ACSA president-elect and superintendent of San Lorenzo USD discussing the need to pass Prop. 2, a $10 billion school bond for repair, upgrade and construction of school facilities. (KQED, Sept. 23, 2024)
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