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Association of California School Administrators
New guide helps districts use LCAP to prioritize science
March 22, 2021
Science is absolutely fundamental to 21st century learning, however many schools fail to prioritize science when deciding where to invest funding.
That is the premise of a new guide, “Opportunity for Successful Science Implementation in a Post-Pandemic Climate,” which is intended to support and encourage districts to include science instruction in their Local Control Accountability Plans.
According to its authors, many districts fail to specifically mention Science, Next Generation Science Standards, Environmental Literacy, STEM and STEAM as action items in their LCAP plans, leading to the “unintentional abandonment” of funding support for science learning.
“Districts that neglect to provide adequate funding for high quality science instruction are failing to prepare their students with the foundational skills and knowledge to contribute to the 21st century economy,” the authors write. “This directly affects all students’ science success, but most dramatically affects historically underserved, supplemental concentration, and ‘vulnerable at-risk’ student populations.”
The document, which was written and reviewed by science coordinators, directors, TOSAs, teachers and other science leaders in Inyo, Mono, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, includes background information on the issue, as well as ways districts can take action. It also contains suggested metrics for measuring science learning loss and reflective questions to consider when drafting new LCAP goals/actions that address science learning loss.
Read the document on ACSA’s Resource Hub at
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