News Briefs | FYI
August 21, 2023
ACSA seeks outstanding HR admins for award
Do you know an outstanding human resources or personnel administrator? Nominate them for the Ray Curry Award, which is presented each year during the Personnel Institute and named for Ray Curry, an early ACSA leader who committed himself to the field of Personnel Administration/Human Resources throughout his entire career. If you would like to nominate an outstanding personnel/HR administrator for this award, visit for selection criteria and nomination instructions. Nominations are due Sept. 1, 2023.
Submit articles on behavior interventions
Leadership magazine is seeking submissions for its January/February 2024 issue with the theme “Behavior Interventions.” Topics include: social-emotional learning; intervention teachers; PBIS; response to intervention (RTI); MTSS; wellness/calming rooms; inequities in discipline; and classroom management strategies. Articles should be at least 750 words and include practical information written in an informal style. Email your article to Leadership Editor Michelle Carl. The submission deadline is Oct. 2, 2023.
Want to present at the 2024 ECC Symposium?
ACSA’s Student Services and Special Education Council invites you to submit a proposal to present at this event, to be held Jan. 10-12, 2024 at the JW Marriott Palm Desert. The 2024 ECC Symposium’s Theme is “Destination Transformation: Embracing the Journey of the Road Less Traveled.” Proposals are due Friday, August 25, 2023 at 12 p.m. via Google Form. Visit to get started on your proposal today.
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