News Briefs | FYI
September 20, 2021
Applications for 2022-23 Student Board member due
The California State Board of Education is now accepting applications for the 2022–23 Student Board Member position. Any student who is a California resident and enrolled in a public high school, will be a senior in good standing in the 2022–23 school year, and will be available to attend a virtual statewide student leader conference on Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2021, is eligible to apply. For more information, visit, or contact the SBE by email at Complete applications must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, 2021.
Celebrate Week of the School Administrator in October
The CDE encourages you to recognize Oct. 10–16, 2021 as Week of the School Administrator. In observance of the importance of educational leadership at the school, school district, and county levels, the second full week in the month of October of each year shall be designated as Week of the School Administrator. Schools, school districts, and county superintendents of schools are encouraged to observe the week with public recognition of the contribution that school administrators make to successful pupil achievement. Find a sample resolution on ACSA’s website at
Share how you keep families engaged in school
How do you keep your families engaged with school? Share what works for your district or school by submitting an article to Leadership magazine’s “Family Engagement” issue. Deadline is Oct. 11. Find submission details at
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