Newsom unveils plan to reopen schools
January 11, 2021
Gov. Gavin Newsom has unveiled California’s Safe Schools for All Plan, which he said will create a pathway for California public school districts to physically reopen, while also prioritizing the health and safety of our students, teachers and staff.
During a news conference Dec. 30, Newsom shared research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reiterating that students physically attending school have a low risk of transmission and getting students back into the classroom is especially important for the youngest students and students with disabilities, as well as those students who are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
Newsom outlined the plan’s framework, which consists of four pillars:
Funding — Newsom said his January budget proposal (which had not been released as of EdCal’s press time) would include $2 billion in funding to enable schools to reopen in February. Schools would receive $450 per student to support safe in-person instruction.
Safety and mitigation — The administration will focus on implementing the key safety measures of testing, personal protective equipment, contact tracing and vaccinations, including prioritizing teachers for vaccines through spring 2021.
Oversight and assistance — Newsom has appointed a new Safe Schools for All Safety Team, which will help schools roll out their safety plans through site visits, trainings and ongoing technical assistance.
Transparency and accountability — A new statewide dashboard will allow Californians to see the reopening status of schools, with information on available funding and in-school transmission data.
In a statement sent to members, ACSA expressed support for the governor’s efforts and is awaiting additional details on COVID testing, workforce considerations and unintended consequences for schools that are currently open.