Personnel Institute has HR leaders’ best interests at heart
July 24, 2023
HR leaders are the ones with the big hearts. They encourage us and support us with warmth and caring. And like that organ that beats in our chests, they keep things flowing by hiring great employees for our schools.
In recognition of the vital role HR leaders play in education, this year’s Personnel Institute planning committee has chosen the theme “Human Resources: The Heartbeat of Every Organization.”
“The theme this year is really the essence of the work we do in Personnel,” said Heather Williams, president of ACSA’s Human Resources Council and assistant superintendent, Personnel Services in Riverside COE. “It is about helping people realize their strengths so they can provide the best possible education to our students. Personnel sets the tone for the entire organization and when we lead with heart, the rest of the organization will also.”
Led by co-chairs Williams, Norma Gonzalez and Tami Moore, this year’s planning committee has their fingers on the pulse of what HR leaders need to know to be successful in their roles.
“This year the Personnel Institute will really focus on how personnel leaders manage the daunting task of layoffs,” Williams said. “There have been multiple changes in layoff legislation and a looming fiscal cliff, along with the many new administrators that have joined personnel. This is a perfect time to learn and/or brush up on all the elements of both certificated and classified layoffs.”
Other pressing issues will include updates in leave laws, Title IX and investigation practices, hot topics at the bargaining table, how to have courageous conversations and changes in legislation that impact the day-to-day work of personnel leaders.
Whether you are new in your HR position or just “new at heart,” Personnel Institute will offer something for all experience levels. Newcomers to the HR department will benefit from sessions such as “HR 101,” “What to Do the First 100 Days,” and a Q&A session where they can have their questions answered by veteran personnel leaders. Veteran personnel leaders will learn more about new legislation, ways to address staffing shortages and how to continue to be the heartbeat of the organization.
The setting at the Hilton Long Beach will provide plenty of opportunities for networking and having heart-to-heart conversations with fellow HR leaders from throughout the state.
“One of the most valuable parts of the institute is the networking that occurs,” Williams said. “The institute is a great way to meet leaders from across the state with whom you can build connections and problem solve the current hot topics of the day.”
Ray Curry Award
Do you know an outstanding human resources or personnel administrator? Nominate them for the Ray Curry Award. Each year during the Personnel Institute, the ACSA Human Resources Council Personnel Institute Committee selects one winner of this award named for Ray Curry, an early ACSA leader who committed himself to the field of HR. If you would like to nominate an outstanding personnel/HR administrator for this award, visit acsa.org/raycurryaward for selection criteria and nomination instructions. Nominations are due Sept. 1, 2023.
Call for proposals
If you’ve been meaning to submit a proposal to present at the 2023 Personnel Institute, take heart — there’s still one week left. Visit cvent.me/ZKxmAO for conference topics and information on how to submit a proposal. The deadline is 12 p.m. Monday, July 31.
Personnel Institute
What: Three-day PD event for new and veteran HR administrators on the latest research and legal issues pertaining to school personnel. When: Sept. 27-29, 2023 Cost: $649 ACSA members Register: http://bit.ly/PersonnelInstitute2023
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