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Association of California School Administrators
Association of California School Administrators
Region News
January 11, 2021
Every Student Succeeding nominees from ACSA Region 3’s North Charter were recognized with a drive-through celebration recently. The nominees were forwarded to region leadership, who will select the winner.
R3: Charter honors its Every Student Succeeding nominees Region 3’s North Charter recently celebrated the students it nominated for ACSA’s Every Student Succeeding awards with a drive-through celebration at a local restaurant. Each family was given a take-home dinner for four and each student received a goody pack with their award.
The Every Student Succeeding award recognizes 19 pre-K-12 students, one from each ACSA region, as well as two California adult education students, for overcoming the odds and achieving success. Students receive a stipend, as well as recognition during Leadership Summit.
The nomination form for this award is available online at and must be submitted to the region leadership. Region leadership must then forward their region’s winner to state by March 2, 2021.
For questions, contact statewide awards coordinator Emily Agpoon at
R14: Donation supports wildfire victims
Region 14 recently made a $1,200 donation toward crisis support through ACSA’s Red Cross microsite. The donation was made in honor of the following 2020
Administrator Award winners:
Valencia Mayfield, Diversity Award. John Garcia, Superintendent. Blanca Rochin, Adult Education Administrator. Eileen Burkholder, Curriculum and Instruction Administrator. Giving Children Hope, Partners in Excellence. Yvonne Marin, Middle Grades Principal. James Christopher Sheck, Secondary Principal. Antoinette Laiolo, Central Office Administrator. Adventures in Art Torrance, Partners in Educational Excellence. Deborah Hofreiter, Secondary Co-Administrator. Kim Ransom, Special Education Administrator. Alice Lee, Elementary Principal.
Wildfire donations are being accepted through the ACSA Red Cross microsite link at
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