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Region News
October 30, 2023
R7: Stanislaus welcomes new members at kick-off
ACSA’s Stanislaus Charter held a tropical-themed kick-off event in Modesto on August 23. The charter welcomed four new members thanks to the efforts of ACSA’s Region 7 Membership Team.
Over 250 administrators came together to network and celebrate the start of the new school year at this event, which featured guest speaker ACSA Executive Director Edgar Zazueta.
Trophies were given to districts with the most administrators in attendance: Hart Ransom, single school district; Hughson Unified SD, small school district; Stanislaus Union SD, medium school district; and Ceres Unified SD, large school district.
ACSA’s Stanislaus Charter held its kick-off networking event in August, welcoming four new members.
R6: ‘No time to retreat’ – board gathers to chart progress
On Saturday, August 5, Region 6 Board of Directors gathered at the Double Tree Hotel in Pleasanton for its annual retreat, reimagined as a “Planning & Progressing” conference.
President Raul Zamora opened the conference by setting the context of the day’s work. He had rebranded the name of this annual event from “retreat” and explained this is not the time in our business to “retreat.” Reflecting on his own upbringing, he questioned, “Whatever happened to ... just caring and loving the moment with each other.” Table groups engaged in a compassion share of members’ artifact/story of their leadership from the heart. Zamora also shared an article that provided some context of his leadership vision of “Leading with Our Heart.”
ACSA President Parvin Ahmadi and Senior Director of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Tracie Noriega joined the meeting to share updates about ACSA activities guided by an updated Strategic Plan and a continued laser focus on the mission of meeting the diverse needs of all California students. ACSA Vice President Daryl Camp was also in attendance. Using the ACSA Strategic Plan Framework, Region 6 Survey Results and evaluations of last year’s goals, board members shared their thoughts and prioritized ideas using the ThoughtExchange platform. Many ideas were generated that will help inform the work of the region this year.
The day ended with a panel of five students from high schools in the region sharing their school experiences. These articulate, authentic, bright and insightful students provided much inspiration to the roomful of school and district leaders.
The Region 6 Board of Directors held its annual retreat on August 5.
R13: Ambassadors visit first-year principal
Region 13 Co-Lead Ambassadors Michael Tapia and Steven Bailey visit first-year principal and new ACSA member Vanessa Contreras at E.P. Foster STEM Academy in the Ventura USD on Sept. 13, 2023 as part of the Ambassador Program’s annual Back-to-School Treat event. Incidentally, it was the school where Bailey was principal for five years.
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