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Region News
March 11, 2024
R16: Davis receives Assembly District award
On Feb. 26, ACSA Region 16 member Ayanna Davis was awarded the 65th Assembly District’s Unsung Hero Award for her work and advocacy for all students, her unselfish acts of community service and her commitment to our youngest learners. Davis is currently the president of the Southern California Chapter of the California Association for the Education of Young Children.
Davis is the principal of Kentwood Early Education Center and works to advocate for the students and families of her school and for all of our youngest learners. She is an inspiration for other leaders and demonstrates her selflessness by helping her fellow administrators and other future administrators.
Ayanna Davis, principal of Kentwood Early Education Center in ACSA Region 16, was recently awarded the 65th Assembly District’s Unsung Hero Award in Sacramento.
Ayanna Davis receiving the 65th Assembly District’s Unsung Hero Award.
R6: ACSA leaders honored with region award
Each year, Region 6 honors two ACSA leaders for exemplary leadership to ACSA and the education community.

This year’s Nels Nelson Award was awarded to Daryl Camp, superintendent, San Lorenzo USD and current ACSA vice president, and this year’s Region 6 President’s Award will be given to Jacob Berg, principal, Pleasanton USD, and former Region 6 president.
The Nels Nelson Award is named after Region 6’s first executive director who served for many years. The recipient of this award is a person who has demonstrated ethical and moral leadership, continuing commitment and dedication to student achievement and is a visionary who lays foundations of educational excellence that will continue beyond their tenure. This individual has also served ACSA for many years and in many capacities as a leader.
The Region 6 President’s Award is given to a member who has provided exceptional leadership and service to the region.
Camp and Berg will be honored at the 2024 Region 6 Administrator of the Year Awards Dinner on April 18.
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