Helping educators succeed and lead during coronavirus school closures
June 15, 2020
Website: FTC guidance on COPPA requirements
Because of school closures, millions of students are now using online, education technology (or “ed tech”) services to engage in remote learning from home. And while this fills a vital need, it’s important to keep in mind that many of these ed tech services collect and use student’s personal information. It’s a good time to remind ed tech providers and schools about the continued need to protect student’s privacy and safeguard their personal data under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The Federal Trade Commission has prepared some FAQs for ed tech companies and schools on its website.
Brief: Reopening schools in other countries
Across the country, policymakers and school leaders are making plans to reopen schools for the next academic year, and some are preparing to do so sooner. In order to reopen schools safely and mitigate disease spread, state and district leaders will need to address several important health considerations. In a new brief, the Learning Policy Institute compiled health and safety guidelines from five countries that have continued or reopened schools during the COVID-19 outbreak: China, Denmark, Norway, Singapore and Taiwan. The guidelines focus on three areas: attendance, social distancing, and hygiene and cleaning. Information was gathered from health and safety guidance documents from each country’s Ministry of Education (as of May 3) as well as media and journal articles. Each of these countries has been successful, to date, in avoiding the spread of COVID-19 in schools. Experiences in countries that have reopened differ significantly from those that have occurred so far in the United States in terms of the extent of their testing and tracking of cases. The capacity to test and track cases, and to isolate individuals who have been exposed to infection, is related to the success of these strategies.
Webinar: Distance learning for Special Ed students
“Navigating the New Normal: Distance Learning for Students with Significant Disabilities” is a recorded webinar brought to you by ACSA Member Services and ACSA Student Services and Special Education Council. Analee Kredel, Chief of Special Education Services, Orange County Office of Ed discusses strategies for pivoting to distance learning specifically for moderate and severe students. She is joined by Kim Bryant, Special Education Director, Redding ESD, to explore how one small and rural area has transitioned their support services to students with special needs while distance learning. Webinar:
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