December 4, 2023
It is with great sadness that ACSA shares the loss of beloved Region 19 Executive Director Tracey Case, who passed away on Nov 14. Case has been an ACSA member since 1994. She was instrumental in assisting the new Region 19 in a variety of capacities when Region 12 split into two viable and large regions.
“Tracey personified a heart of service,” said Region 19 President Kirk Skorpanich. “As Executive Director of Region 19, she made sure that everything was planned, prepared, and ready for all events and meetings. Her skills in organization and communication were only outshined by her heart for others without seeking recognition for herself.”
Case’s service to ACSA was extensive. In 2003-04, she was on the annual state conference planning committee. She was an at-large member of the ACSA Board of Directors from 2005-2008 and also served as the Board Liaison for the Classified Education Leaders Council during this time. From 2008-2011, she was the Region 19 representative on the ACSA Board of Directors, in addition to serving as the Board Liaison for the Classified Education Leaders Council during those years. Case also served as the Region 19 Classified Education Leaders Council representative from 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
She has served as the president’s assistant and was the Region 19 Executive Director at the time of her passing.
“Tracey’s smile would light up the room,” said Region 19 Consultant Jennette Harper. “She had the gift of making everyone comfortable and feeling welcomed at the events. She always would go the extra mile to make each event run smoothly. She was not a spotlight person, she turned the spotlight on others.”
Beyond everything she did professionally, Skorpanich recalls that her greatest love was for her daughter and grandson. “Whenever she spoke of family, she beamed with both love and pride,” he said. “She is a true treasure and her sudden loss is tragic for those who know and love her.”
Case leaves behind a daughter, Courtney, and a baby grandson. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting practical support such as Target or Stater Grocery store gift cards to help with necessities. Cards can be mailed to: Courtney Siegel, 21106 Via Rincon, Yorba Linda, CA 92887.
“There are no words to describe the loss, to her family, her friends and the region,” Harper said. “There is only a huge void. We will miss her immensely in the region, and in our lives.”

Region 19's Tracey Case and Jennette Harper.

Tracey Case passed away on Nov 14.
The Board of Trustees of Pacific Grove Unified School District has announced Linda Adamson has been unanimously selected for the position of Superintendent.
With a career spanning over 28 years in education in both the private and public-school systems, Adamson has served in a variety of positions including teacher, principal and director. She served the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District for 11 years, including the last three years as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, where she focused her efforts on elevating expectations and removing barriers to learning, all as a means to increase outcomes for all students. She is a firm believer in the important role communication plays in building trusting relationships and a school culture of belonging in which all students can thrive.
Adamson received her bachelor’s degree in education from Johannesburg College of Education, South Africa. Her desire to have a greater impact on the students she serves inspired her to focus on TK-12 school administration for both her master’s and doctorate degrees, both of which she received from California State University, Fullerton.
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